I started this skirt MONTHS ago, probably at least last summer, stopped working on it for a while (not because I was frustrated with it or anything like that, I was just working on other things), then picked it up

In case you didn't know, it got cold this weekend. I'm not ready for fall to be over yet, but at least I got to wear some of my crochet things out, along with this lovely sweater dress my old

It's been a while since I've done one of these, but I thought it was time to share a few lovely things I've found around the internet again. Check 'em out! :) Loving the jewelry of BlueBirdLab. Be sure to check

I guess this could technically be called another Project-Styled Outfits, but all the crochet pieces you see here are designs I've been working on the past several weeks. The first hat above is the same hat pictured in this post,

This vacation left me feeling kind of renewed with energy for designing and making. I came back not really with new ideas, but with a hunger for inspiration and to try crocheting some things I've had on a sort-of list

For YEARS I've wanted glass front storage for my yarn, so that I can see all the colors but it's all protected from the cats, mice (I lived in front of a cow pasture growing up so mice and rats

Here's the skirt I mentioned in my last post. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, although I meant for it to be a bit longer. I'm really into wearing stuff high-waisted lately, and the cool thing about these

I got these shorts Saturday morning and was pretty excited about 'em. Still am, haha. I wore them to family bbqs on Sunday and Monday, and I won't lie, I still want to wear them next time I go out,

I'm kind of loving this shirt right now. It was passed on to me by my sister-in-law, and was always one of my favorite tops of hers. Now that the weather's warm I've worn it several times. I love the

Some neat and inspiring things I have found around the internet recently - This gorgeous high low dress crocheted by Ashlee Elle of Dream In Vintage. I've shared her work before here. Her designs are so creative and inspiring, please go