For YEARS I've wanted glass front storage for my yarn, so that I can see all the colors but it's all protected from the cats, mice (I lived in front of a cow pasture growing up so mice and rats

Is it a stretch to compare the last couple weeks with an outfit? Haha. Weather wise, we've had crazy mini rainstorms off and on - literally, the sky will fall out one minute, then it will be sunny and clear,

Here's the skirt I mentioned in my last post. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, although I meant for it to be a bit longer. I'm really into wearing stuff high-waisted lately, and the cool thing about these

If you're someone who designs patterns or things, or owns a handmade business, you may understand what I'm talking about. Sometimes you get in a slump and things just seem like they're not working. Actually writing down my patterns and

We've had a few blooms pop up these past few weeks! It was like right after I took the last pictures, haha. Blueberries are looking good and I'm so ready for them to be ready, to freeze them (my favorite

I have a hard time finding things to crochet for men besides hats that I actually think men would like or wear. A tie seemed like a good idea. I've seen a few crocheted ties online before, but none exactly

I got these shorts Saturday morning and was pretty excited about 'em. Still am, haha. I wore them to family bbqs on Sunday and Monday, and I won't lie, I still want to wear them next time I go out,

These pictures were taken yesterday, a week and a half since the garden was planted. Our blueberries are looking very good. I was most excited about them and I can't wait until they're ready to eat. My brother and sister-in-law live